The PrivacyPapers was released over a two week period of emails by Michael Kasdan, who has generously given us permission to post it in its entirety over several posts.
You can search Twitter: #PrivacyPapers, for the content and to share comments.
1. Privacy Papers – Roll Call

From: Michael Kasdan
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013
To: Potential Participants
Subject: Privacy Papers – Roll Call
Well, hello there.
If you are receiving this email, it means that you have been invited to participate in an email discussion of privacy issues.  This started as a discussion on my Facebook page, and I thought this might be a fun/interesting discussion to have.  I will endeavor as moderator to be as interesting as I can and to make you look even smarter and more engaging than you already are.  No easy task.  Since you are already so smart and engaging.
Of course you are all busy and have lives.  (Or so we say).  And I respect that.  (I do.) And I respect your privacy.  So, if you don’t want to play, no problem.  But if you want to participate, please reply and let me know.
Here – for reference – is the original Facebook thread, which has the beginnings of some interesting discussions and some of the flava:
Facebook thread 1
Facebook thread 2
Facebook thread 3
Facebook thread 4
Facebook thread 5
Facebook thread 6
Facebook thread 7
Facebook thread 8

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